Team 4

Young Vietnamese think that Tết is becoming boring (nhạt). So, Pepsi initiate a ‘crazy idea’ with Pepsi Muối (Salty Pepsi), with the ambition to add flavor to Tết and make it great again.
Our mission: make Pepsi Muối campaign the talk of town and top social buzz for Tết season.

Based on one strong insight: “Tết is nhạt because we young people just stick to the online world with our devices, without having any real connection with our friends while Real Connection is what Tết’s meant to be”, we created a social debate to trigger attention and hype for this story. Leverage influencers to intensify and spread the debate, and amplify through PR and digital activities. Then spark a movement to ‘OPEN PEPSI TO CONNECT, AND MAKE TẾT ĐÃ (GREAT) AGAIN’.

Ranked Top 3 social buzz for Tết Campaigns
Earned media: 753%
ROI: 318%

Young Vietnamese think that Tết is becoming boring (nhạt). So, Pepsi initiate a ‘crazy idea’ with Pepsi Muối (Salty Pepsi), with the ambition to add flavor to Tết and make it great again.
Our mission: make Pepsi Muối campaign the talk of town and top social buzz for Tết season.

Based on one strong insight: “Tết is nhạt because we young people just stick to the online world with our devices, without having any real connection with our friends while Real Connection is what Tết’s meant to be”, we created a social debate to trigger attention and hype for this story. Leverage influencers to intensify and spread the debate, and amplify through PR and digital activities. Then spark a movement to ‘OPEN PEPSI TO CONNECT, AND MAKE TẾT ĐÃ (GREAT) AGAIN’.

Ranked Top 3 social buzz for Tết Campaigns
Earned media: 753%
ROI: 318%